Many people whilst searching for a dream luxury fireplace often dismiss the idea of a wood-burning stove. Although we have to admit, our log burning fireplaces are some of the most amazing units we have to display. Not only visually stunning but offering the perfect amount of heat with a gorgeous crackle of the logs and the incredible fresh fire smell!

A new luxury log burning stove might not be for you although our expert team are on hand to help find you your dream display. With industry-leading knowledge, our Manchester-based experts are the perfect stop for you and your luxury fireplace journey.

We must say, here are our top benefits of choosing a wood-burning stove to be the next addition to your home.

  1. Wood burning stoves have far fewer emissions than previously.

    You may be concerned about the pollution an open fire can cause, not to worry. The government is setting requirements in place to ensure all fireplaces are suitable for the environment. Our stunning displays are not only a great method to heat your house however are also the most up to date designs ensuring you, the customer is receiving the top quality unit.

  2. Extremely cheap to run!

    Using a renewable fuel source is not only a benefit to the environment but can also be a benefit to your pocket. The need for only one fuel type to keep your fire going saves on energy and gas bills. 

  3. They are extremely efficient.

    Unlike prior, the new modern log burning stoves have a far more efficient rate of use. With far less loss of heat through the chimney. A log fire can provide you with an eco-friendly and effective method to heat your home with the benefits of a traditional styles fireplace offering warmth and comfort.

  4. They come in a range of styles and designs

    A log burning stove has endless possibilities, you can check it out online or in our Manchester-based fireplace showroom for the state of the art designs. We can help make your dream come true with our bespoke units and displays.

  5. They offer a divine smell to your home

    If you are after a warm, comforting, gentle scent to accompany your home, a log burning stove could be perfect. The incredible smell of a roaring fire instantly adds a whole new level of comfort to your property. You can get a real feel for what they are like at our showroom with over 50+ live fires on display!

You can take a look at some of the incredible displays we have to offer below, please also note that we have many exclusive new wood burning stoves and fireplaces in our showroom to be seen working live!

Log Burning Stoves
